Brzostek's Auction Service


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80 Smokey Hollow Road, Suite 3
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Office: 315-678-2000
Toll Free: 800-374-SELL
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Brzostek's Auction Service

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc. conducts merchandise auctions, liquidating entire houses or businesses of personal property, household items, equipment and inventory. We work in conjunction with Brzostek's Real Estate Auction Company to provide complete estate or business liquidations. We also provide merchandise auction services to individuals and businesses to help them rid themselves of surplus inventory or personal property.

About Brzostek’s:

    Brzostek’s Auction Service, Inc. is a nationally recognized, award winning liquidation auction service with extensive experience in the sale of personal property in New York State.

    Bernard J. Brzostek, CAI started out in the business of selling antiques and collectibles in 1967 when he began his career as part owner and operator of the Second Time Around Shoppe in Phoenix, NY.. Realizing the value and importance of auctions, Brzostek graduated in 1973 from Reisch World Wide College of Auctioneering. In 1978 he opened a brand new 4,800 sq. ft. auction facility for auctioning antiques and personal property.

    Bernard Brzostek is a graduate of the Certified Auctioneers Institute. He is a member of the New York State Auctioneers Association of which he is the former Executive Secretary/Treasurer and is a member of the National Auctioneers Association.

“From the moment you contract us to conduct an auction for you; our staff is busy working on a comprehensive marketing package to ensure a success.”

Getting the Word Out...

    We will advertise and auction your items in just 4-6 weeks by using a multimedia ad program tailored to suit your audience. This brings the maximum amount of buyers together at one time to bid on your merchandise and creates a sense of excitement which can only mean fair market value to you.
    A promotion schedule includes signs, single page flyers with photos (when appropriate). Ads are placed in local, regional and national newspapers and tabloids. All marketing and advertising expenses will be documented and submitted to you upon final settlement of the auction.

It’s Auction Time!
•   Our professionally trained personnel will help physically move and allot the items to be sold.
•    Setup includes tents, lights, up to 300 chairs, wireless public address system podium, display tables and portable heaters.
•   All bidders are registered and provided a bid number.
•    Bernard J. Brzostek, CAI explains the procedures of the auction before it begins.
•    All Brzostek’s auctions are video or audio taped to protect all parties.
•   The items are sold “as is” and are non-contingent.
•    Personnel will assist buyers in bringing large items to their vehicles.
•    Our office and bookkeeping personnel will use a sophisticated, computerized system to account for items sold and provide printed invoices on site.
•    You, the seller, will be paid in 10 days following the auction.

We Have Conducted Hundreds of Successful Auctions for Individuals and Businesses!

Some of those businesses for which we have conducted liquidations include:

  • Antique Boat Museum, Clayton, NY
  • Kirby’s Restaurant, Syracuse, NY
  • R. J. O’Tooles, North Syracuse, NY
  • National Plating Co., Inc., Syracuse, NY
  • Herkimer Lumber, Herkimer, NY
  • Randall’s Antiques, Ogdensburg, NY
  • Cicero Valley Electric, Inc., Syracuse, NY
  • Clickner Furniture, Odgensburg, NY
  • Proctor & Gamble, Norwich, NY
  • Andrew’s Furniture, Baldwinsville, NY
  • Gordon’s Furniture, Watertown, NY
  • Wine Creek Inn, Oswego, NY
  • Niagara Mohawk, Liverpool, NY
  • The Wiz, Syr., Albany & Long Island, NY
  • Dining Furniture Centre, Dewitt, NY
  • Boldt Family Estate, Wellsley Island, NY
  • Deansboro Musical Museum, Deansboro,NY
  • Dave Ball Chevrolet, Syracuse, NY
  • Wayne’s Bike, Liverpool, NY
  • Dewitt Inn, Dewitt, NY
  • Great American, Ticonderoga, NY
  • TNJ Amato Island Marine, Bellmore, LI, NY

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Brzostek's Real Estate Auction Co., Inc.
80 Smokey Hollow Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Office: 315-678-2000
Toll Free: 800-374-SELL
Fax: 315-678-2116
Bernie's SELL #: 315-447-5177

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.
80 Smokey Hollow Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Office: 315-678-2542
Toll Free: 800-562-0660
Fax: 315-678-2116
Bernie's SELL #: 315-447-5177

Auction Highlight

Rare 2 gal. jug. J.C. Waelde, North Bay, NY w/ blue dec. Squirrel sold @ auction, Jan. 1, '13 @ Brzostek's for $15,950!
Auction Highlight

1,620 Sq. Ft., Two story, Two Bedroom, 1 Full bath home w/55’ of Waterfrontage on Owasco Lake! Also includes a Two-story oversized Garage w/workshop & a 24’ x 14’ Boat House! Sold for $550,000.00 with 52 Registered Bidders! Assessed for $324.096.00!
Auction Highlight

1,732+/- Sq. Ft.., Three Bedroom, 2 ½ Bath, Two Story Log Cabin Home in Forestport, NY w/ a 4,000+ Sq. Ft., Det. Two Story, Log Cabin style Garage w/ an18' x 48' Lean-to canopy on 49.03 +/- Acres. Sold for $407,000 with 31 Registered Bidders Online & Onsite. Property was assessed @ $287,951.81!
Auction Highlight

Brick Four-Story, 40 Unit Apartment Building w/separate gas & electric on 87' x 215.75' +/- Lot and Two Story-12 Unit Apartment Building on 139’ x 115.5’ +/- Lot sold for $770,000! Located at 153-157 Seymour St., Syracuse, NY.
Auction Highlight

"Prime Adirondack Star Lake 280' Waterfront Camp" Four Bedroom secluded get-away w/ Two Full Baths, a Detached Garage & a Boat House on One and One-half Acres w/ 280’ of Water Frontage on Star Lake. Sold for $962,500 with 53 Registered Bidders Online & Live!
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Auction Help Wanted
Looking for Auction Help Part Time Week Days & Weekends! Please call Bernie Brzostek if interested @ 315-447-5177.

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