Brzostek Real Estate Auction Co., Inc. - Absentee Bid Form


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80 Smokey Hollow Road, Suite 3
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Office: 315-678-2000
Toll Free: 800-374-SELL
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- Absentee Bid Form -

80 Smokey Hollow Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
(315) 678-2542 or 800-562-0660
Form must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to Auction
Brzostek's Auction Service Inc. is requested to enter bids on the following lots up to the price stated. I understand that if my bid is successful the Purchase Price payable will be the final bid and a premium of 15% of the final bid. In addition, I shall be responsible for any State or local sales tax or compensating use tax.

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Brzostek's Real Estate Auction Co., Inc.
80 Smokey Hollow Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Office: 315-678-2000
Toll Free: 800-374-SELL
Fax: 315-678-2116
Bernie's SELL #: 315-447-5177

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.
80 Smokey Hollow Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Office: 315-678-2542
Toll Free: 800-562-0660
Fax: 315-678-2116
Bernie's SELL #: 315-447-5177

Auction Highlight

Rare 2 gal. jug. J.C. Waelde, North Bay, NY w/ blue dec. Squirrel sold @ auction, Jan. 1, '13 @ Brzostek's for $15,950!
Auction Highlight

1,620 Sq. Ft., Two story, Two Bedroom, 1 Full bath home w/55’ of Waterfrontage on Owasco Lake! Also includes a Two-story oversized Garage w/workshop & a 24’ x 14’ Boat House! Sold for $550,000.00 with 52 Registered Bidders! Assessed for $324.096.00!
Auction Highlight

1,732+/- Sq. Ft.., Three Bedroom, 2 ½ Bath, Two Story Log Cabin Home in Forestport, NY w/ a 4,000+ Sq. Ft., Det. Two Story, Log Cabin style Garage w/ an18' x 48' Lean-to canopy on 49.03 +/- Acres. Sold for $407,000 with 31 Registered Bidders Online & Onsite. Property was assessed @ $287,951.81!
Auction Highlight

Brick Four-Story, 40 Unit Apartment Building w/separate gas & electric on 87' x 215.75' +/- Lot and Two Story-12 Unit Apartment Building on 139’ x 115.5’ +/- Lot sold for $770,000! Located at 153-157 Seymour St., Syracuse, NY.
Auction Highlight

"Prime Adirondack Star Lake 280' Waterfront Camp" Four Bedroom secluded get-away w/ Two Full Baths, a Detached Garage & a Boat House on One and One-half Acres w/ 280’ of Water Frontage on Star Lake. Sold for $962,500 with 53 Registered Bidders Online & Live!
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